Tuesday, August 25, 2015

My Tuesday!

My Tuesday has been pretty productive, how about yours? 

I started off with lower body workout -->

 Squat with calf raise - 3 sets, 10 reps
Goblet Squat - 3 sets, 10 reps
Split Leg Squat - 3 sets, 10 reps each side
Hamstring curl w/medicine ball - 3 sets, 10 reps
Leg raises w/ medicine ball - 3 sets, 10 reps
Hip thrusts w/kettle bell in lap - 3 sets, 10 reps
2 other exercises from 21 day fix DVD that I don't know the names of (I can make a quick video if any of you want them)
walk at incline 9.0, speed 3.0 until exhausted

Then I went grocery shopping to make dinner and get a few snacks for the week
Dinner is chicken tacos tonight -->

4 skinless, boneless chicken breasts (cleaned and washed)
1 can of corn (not drained)
1 can black beans (drained and washed)
1 can rotel tomatoes (not drained)
1 cream cheese block (I used organic)
1 packet of taco seasoning OR dry ranch packet

then shred chicken and enjoy on lettuce, tortilla, or even rice! 


Thursday, August 20, 2015

Always Love A Good Leg Workout

So I want to share with you all the leg workout that Dillon and I did the other day.... I'm still sore (in a good way)

Kettle bell squat with calf raise - 3 sets, 10 reps
Hip Thrusts with dumbbell in lap - 3 sets, 10 reps
Split leg squat - 3 sets, 10 reps each side
Curtsey lunge - 2 sets, 10 reps
Step up jumps with dumbbells (on bench) - 3 sets, 30 seconds
Plank - 1 minute
Right side plank - 45 seconds
Left side plank - 45 seconds

It was a quick but VERY effective workout! 

They will be burning :) 

Please give it a try and let me know how it goes!!

Monday, August 10, 2015


This past weekend marked the day of the gopher to badger half marathon. There were so many different emotions throughout the weekend. I was beyond nervous the entire time, I knew I had trained A LOT more than my first half but I was still so nervous about running 13.1 miles. 

The first 3-4 miles I felt really good, I was able to keep up with a friend at a good pace. I did have to drop behind her and slow down just a bit in order to feel comfortable. Around mile 6, I was having thoughts of self doubt. I kept thinking "I can't do this" ,"I won't be able to finish" , "Why did I even sign up for this?" but I soon kicked those thoughts to the curb. I realized I CAN do this, I TRAINED for this, BELIEVE in yourself. From there on out, I just kept hitting the next mile markers and it seemed to go by and then all of a sudden I was at mile 10.

The last three miles was full of excitement. I was anxious to be done and cross that finish line. I knew my boyfriend Dillon, my sister Brenna, and my cousin Sam (he also ran the race but is blessed with being a very great runner) would all be there at the finish line. I had reminded my dad about the race the night before and he told me that he would try and be there to see me finish. Well when I was coming into the park (that winded around to the finish line) I came up a hill and saw Dillon, Brenna, Sam and my dad. I immediately teared up and got emotional. I was just so happy to see all of them there cheering me on and being proud of me. It showed me that all the training runs I didn't want to get up and do - paid off, because I finished 13.1 miles feeling SO great inside and beyond proud of myself. 

This is my cousin Sam and I after the race!

This half marathon experience was so much better than my first one. Like I've said before, I owe a lot to my friend Bailey. I had connected with her back in January 2015 for help. I needed someone to kickstart my health. She encouraged me to sign up for another half marathon with a training schedule in hand so that it would go A LOT better than my first one. She helped me with my nutrition and introduced me to IIFYM, which is amazing! She has also been there for support and answering all my silly questions. 
Thank you, Bailey!!

This is Bailey and I after the race too!

And I'll end it with a selfie with my cutie pie :)