Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The Big Hiatus

So I took a hiatus from blogging for quite some time, but now things are settled and I can finally set aside some time to share my thoughts. 

An update on me --- 
We have moved BACK to Bemidji and I am working at the clinic I was before, very exciting! We also got a puppy, his name is Odin. He is a toy poodle mixed with pomeranian. SUPER ADORABLE AND FLUFFY!

An update on my health journey ---
I recently dropped my trainer, she was a really awesome girl I met on Instagram (if anyone is interested, let me know and I will get you her info).  She had sent me a personalized workout plan PLUS personalized macros. Then every week she wanted updated pictures, let her know the ups and downs on how the week went. She did change workouts/macros when she thought appropriate. I REALLY enjoyed the workouts and how dedicated she was to wanting to help you out/reach your goals.  I wasn't able to continue due to the fact that we were moving so we had to financially spend our money the in other ways.

It is hard for us to get to the gym 5 times a week right now, so I am doing my best to eat clean. My favorite go to lunch right now is spinach/romaine lettuce salads with shredded chicken, strawberries, feta cheese, and greek yogurt blue cheese dressing OR with shredded chicken, tomatoes, feta cheese, and light caesar dressing. For the shredded chicken, I just put four breasts in the crock pot for 4 hours with a little bit of water- seasoned with Mrs. Dash original blend, lemon pepper, pepper, organic all season.  Super easy and delicious!!

I did borrow my sisters 21 day fix DVD- those workouts are definitely badass. They are challenging and fun at the same time. When I did the lower fix, I was sore for DAYS. I would recommend them to anyone who doesn't have a lot of time to and wants an awesome burn! 

 Like I said earlier, I am going to FOR REAL set time aside to keep up the blogging. If theres any ideas out there from anyone, I would LOVE to hear them :) 


Thursday, September 17, 2015

Pumpkin Protein Balls

So I wanted to try a new recipe... Pumpkin Protein Balls
Sounds pretty yummy, right? 

Well, the recipe I had didn't make much sense but I thought just follow the recipe and you'll be good. 

1/3 C. pumpkin puree
1 1/2 serving of Vanilla Whey Protein Powder
3 C. Honey
1/3 C. Nut Butter
1 1/2 C. Oatmeal
1 1/2 tsp. Pumpkin pie spice

So the honey part throws me off... like why 3 cups?!?! But I was trusting the recipe. 
So as you can imagine, it was very wet. I tried adding more oats and protein powder but that didn't even budge. I put it in the fridge for at least 30 minutes to see if it would thicken up. It might have a little bit, but I still couldn't make balls out of it. So I said whatever and put it in a tupperware and put it back in the fridge and will figure out what to do with it later. 

Although, I did taste it and it does taste really good... so if y'all want to just tweak this recipe, it would be super good! And let me know how it goes :)

Always wanting to try new things, especially easy protein balls that you can just take on the go - so if anyone has an awesome recipe send it my way!!

Happy Thursday everyone!

Monday, September 14, 2015

MIA, sorry!

And I have been MIA for quite a while now, life has gotten in the way. 
I hope to start keeping up with this regularly now that summer is over and there might be more time :) 

Recently, I was asked by an old high school friend for help with her and her boyfriends health journey. It was such a great feeling, knowing that I am inspiring people little by little. I am in the process of creating a few different ideas for lifting and cardio workouts for both of them and it is so much fun to do! 
If anyone else is interested, please let me know! 

On another note, planning a wedding has been a lot of fun so far. It is also nice because we have a few weddings this fall, so it is great getting ideas for ours! Dillon and I were on a mini vacation last week, we went up to Bemidji MN- where we used to live. It was SO SO great seeing our friends and being back up in that beautiful part of the state! Can't wait to go back sometime hopefully soon!!

Later this week, I plan to blog about some energy protein balls that I will be making. Quick and easy snacks are always great, especially when I am on the go a lot! I'm excited to try them and share them with you all :) 

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

My Tuesday!

My Tuesday has been pretty productive, how about yours? 

I started off with lower body workout -->

 Squat with calf raise - 3 sets, 10 reps
Goblet Squat - 3 sets, 10 reps
Split Leg Squat - 3 sets, 10 reps each side
Hamstring curl w/medicine ball - 3 sets, 10 reps
Leg raises w/ medicine ball - 3 sets, 10 reps
Hip thrusts w/kettle bell in lap - 3 sets, 10 reps
2 other exercises from 21 day fix DVD that I don't know the names of (I can make a quick video if any of you want them)
walk at incline 9.0, speed 3.0 until exhausted

Then I went grocery shopping to make dinner and get a few snacks for the week
Dinner is chicken tacos tonight -->

4 skinless, boneless chicken breasts (cleaned and washed)
1 can of corn (not drained)
1 can black beans (drained and washed)
1 can rotel tomatoes (not drained)
1 cream cheese block (I used organic)
1 packet of taco seasoning OR dry ranch packet

then shred chicken and enjoy on lettuce, tortilla, or even rice! 


Thursday, August 20, 2015

Always Love A Good Leg Workout

So I want to share with you all the leg workout that Dillon and I did the other day.... I'm still sore (in a good way)

Kettle bell squat with calf raise - 3 sets, 10 reps
Hip Thrusts with dumbbell in lap - 3 sets, 10 reps
Split leg squat - 3 sets, 10 reps each side
Curtsey lunge - 2 sets, 10 reps
Step up jumps with dumbbells (on bench) - 3 sets, 30 seconds
Plank - 1 minute
Right side plank - 45 seconds
Left side plank - 45 seconds

It was a quick but VERY effective workout! 

They will be burning :) 

Please give it a try and let me know how it goes!!

Monday, August 10, 2015


This past weekend marked the day of the gopher to badger half marathon. There were so many different emotions throughout the weekend. I was beyond nervous the entire time, I knew I had trained A LOT more than my first half but I was still so nervous about running 13.1 miles. 

The first 3-4 miles I felt really good, I was able to keep up with a friend at a good pace. I did have to drop behind her and slow down just a bit in order to feel comfortable. Around mile 6, I was having thoughts of self doubt. I kept thinking "I can't do this" ,"I won't be able to finish" , "Why did I even sign up for this?" but I soon kicked those thoughts to the curb. I realized I CAN do this, I TRAINED for this, BELIEVE in yourself. From there on out, I just kept hitting the next mile markers and it seemed to go by and then all of a sudden I was at mile 10.

The last three miles was full of excitement. I was anxious to be done and cross that finish line. I knew my boyfriend Dillon, my sister Brenna, and my cousin Sam (he also ran the race but is blessed with being a very great runner) would all be there at the finish line. I had reminded my dad about the race the night before and he told me that he would try and be there to see me finish. Well when I was coming into the park (that winded around to the finish line) I came up a hill and saw Dillon, Brenna, Sam and my dad. I immediately teared up and got emotional. I was just so happy to see all of them there cheering me on and being proud of me. It showed me that all the training runs I didn't want to get up and do - paid off, because I finished 13.1 miles feeling SO great inside and beyond proud of myself. 

This is my cousin Sam and I after the race!

This half marathon experience was so much better than my first one. Like I've said before, I owe a lot to my friend Bailey. I had connected with her back in January 2015 for help. I needed someone to kickstart my health. She encouraged me to sign up for another half marathon with a training schedule in hand so that it would go A LOT better than my first one. She helped me with my nutrition and introduced me to IIFYM, which is amazing! She has also been there for support and answering all my silly questions. 
Thank you, Bailey!!

This is Bailey and I after the race too!

And I'll end it with a selfie with my cutie pie :)

Friday, July 31, 2015

Busy Busy Busy

I don't know about you guys but this summer has been so busy and going by so fast! I can't believe this weekend will be August! I thought today I would update y'all on my life. 

I recently accepted a new position at a pediatric office and I am excited to see what that'll bring for me. I am still working out but I have fallen in love with lifting weights and so on days that I need to get my runs in.. it's so boring and I don't much enjoy it as much. My half marathon is next weekend, I am excited and I'm not really running it for time but more as just finishing it. I am looking forward to have that behind me so that I can really focus on weights and becoming stronger. 

I have also been busy with my Advocare business, I can't believe how much it took off! I am really proud of everyone reaching out to me and wanting to learn more about it. It is such an amazing company to be a part of and I can't thank my sponsor Amanda enough for all the help she has given me! I got my order of Slam and Lemon Cake Shake... they're both SO good. I can't believe they're only here for a limited time! I also did just purchase my 24 Day Challenge this morning. My sister Bren got hers last week and is SO excited and determined, I am SO proud of her! 

This is Dillon and I on the lake a couple weekends ago, it was so beautiful out and our first time on the lake this year!!

We love when we go see my family- Starbucks and sitting out by the lake :)

And heres my love bug, life wouldn't be as great without him in it. He is so supportive of everything I do and I couldn't be more lucky!