Friday, July 31, 2015

Busy Busy Busy

I don't know about you guys but this summer has been so busy and going by so fast! I can't believe this weekend will be August! I thought today I would update y'all on my life. 

I recently accepted a new position at a pediatric office and I am excited to see what that'll bring for me. I am still working out but I have fallen in love with lifting weights and so on days that I need to get my runs in.. it's so boring and I don't much enjoy it as much. My half marathon is next weekend, I am excited and I'm not really running it for time but more as just finishing it. I am looking forward to have that behind me so that I can really focus on weights and becoming stronger. 

I have also been busy with my Advocare business, I can't believe how much it took off! I am really proud of everyone reaching out to me and wanting to learn more about it. It is such an amazing company to be a part of and I can't thank my sponsor Amanda enough for all the help she has given me! I got my order of Slam and Lemon Cake Shake... they're both SO good. I can't believe they're only here for a limited time! I also did just purchase my 24 Day Challenge this morning. My sister Bren got hers last week and is SO excited and determined, I am SO proud of her! 

This is Dillon and I on the lake a couple weekends ago, it was so beautiful out and our first time on the lake this year!!

We love when we go see my family- Starbucks and sitting out by the lake :)

And heres my love bug, life wouldn't be as great without him in it. He is so supportive of everything I do and I couldn't be more lucky!

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