Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Avocado Mousse- YUM

It has been so busy lately so I apologize for the lack of posts BUT I do need to share an awesome, delicious, healthy recipe that my sister made me. 

Brenna came up for a couple nights to visit me and our other sister Amanda, it's been so great having her here!! We all got in our upper body workout this morning- we will be sore tomorrow, for sure. 

Anyway on to this recipe...

Avocado Mousse

4 ripe avocados
1/2 C. semi sweet chocolate chips
1/2 C. agave nectar
1/2 C. unsweetened cocoa powder
1/3 C. almond milk (we used Fairlife brand of regular milk)
1 Tbsp. pure vanilla extract
1/4 tsp. fine salt
fresh raspberries for garnish

Brenna also made some homemade whip cream, which consisted of heavy whipping cream, a spoon full of powdered sugar and a few drops of pure vanilla extract all whipped up! 

Please give this a try when you have a sweet tooth! It is a nice, creamy, rich, delicious dessert :) 

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