Monday, May 25, 2015

Sunday Prep Day

Prep day fun!

I actually don't mind prep day because I really enjoy cooking!

I made a egg and egg white bake, with salt and pepper. I cut up veggies to have with the egg bake for breakfasts.

For lunch/dinner, I made shredded chicken breasts (put in crock pot with seasonings of your choice on low for 6-8 hours or high for 4-6 hours) then just shred up - with brown rice (1/2C.) - and broccoli (3/4C.)
sliced cucumbers with cracked pepper turkey breast (store bought) with roasted garlic humus. 
I will alternate the two meals for lunch and dinners!

I also cleaned up my fruit (raspberries and strawberries) and my veggies (green peppers, carrots, pea pods) to have for quick grab.

This did not take me long at all once the chicken was cooked, I put it in the crock pot at around 10 for 5 hours on high and had all my prep done by 4! It really is not hard at all if you have planned out what different things you will make!! Give it a try and you'll see how easy it'll be on you during the week :)

Friday, May 22, 2015

Goals For The Long Weekend

Happy FRI-YAY to all you beautiful people :)

I decided to make goals for myself this weekend, I am still trying to find my routine and get into the swing of things here. Who knew moving and starting a new job could be so stressful! 
I started my new job this past week, three days of training and then one day in the clinic. It went well, overwhelming but good. 

So about these goals I set, here they are
run every day (shorter run, intervals, longer run)
increase my weights while doing the Rock Hard Challenge
sunday = prep day for the next week
get my fitbit steps in daily (at least 10,000)
and lastly... being super duper happy :)

I also wanted to mention that I haven't lost much weight or inches but I know I am getting a heck of a lot stronger- I actually have muscles in my arms, my back, and I've always had stronger legs.. but holy crap they're getting even more stronger and it makes me feel so good about myself and my journey. This is the feeling that keeps me going, that gets my butt to the gym, that gets me to keep choosing healthier food choices, and that makes me a better, happier person. 

"Once you start seeing changes, you become addicted."

I will be posting on Sunday about the recipes I prep for the upcoming week, so stay tuned and have a wonderful weekend!

oh and here's a super cute picture of my puppies!

Friday, May 15, 2015

Back At It


We are back it my friends!
Yesterday, Dillon and I got a gym membership at Anytime Fitness. I am so excited to get into the routine of things (eating and exercising). It has been a rough couple weeks with moving, my grandpa passing, and settling in. 
My eating and exercising has not been so good. My mental wellness has been in a rut too, it has been emotional, not wanting to workout, not planning meals for a couple weeks. It's definitely hard finding your groove and routine but I can't wait to start running and lifting again. 
I also had planned to start my Advocare journey earlier this week, but with everything going on I didn't want to not give 100%. So today was my day to start. With the gym available, able to have time to plan my meals etc - I thought I will start and give it my all!

Today's workout was one mile jog (4.8 speed), one mile inclined sprints (6.5 incline, 6.5 speed), one mile on the stair master.  Then later today, we will go back and do our rock hard challenge upper body workout.

In struggles like I've had these past couple weeks, you just have to remember to pick yourself up and remember why you started. Just have to keep chugging along and move closer and closer to your goals. 

Happy Fri-YAY :)

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

hello there

hello there,

So if you haven't heard, my grandpa passed away last Thursday morning. It was very unexpected and difficult to be going through. On top of that, Dillon and I were moving that weekend two hours south. 
The last week and a half has been a little crazy, emotional, and tough. I had to say goodbye to amazing co workers and then my incredible grandpa. My co workers had got me a beautiful cake and made lemonade with denture looking ice cubes - which was adorable!

Last Monday, I decided to take a week off my running schedule because I knew I'd be busy with packing and moving. Now looking back at last week, I am so glad I did. But now that we've moved, we have to find a new gym. The two gyms here are Fitness Connection and Anytime. Later this week, we want to look at both of them and see what they have and how much they cost. 
I also recently purchased the Advocare 24 day challenge. I wanted to start it yesterday and I did. But I don't think I'm in the right mindset right now (my brain is all over the place) and I decided I want to wait to keep going until we have a gym so that I can get back at it in there throughout the challenge. 

Dillon's College Graduation 05/08/15

My beautiful family, please keep them in your prayers through this difficult time.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

sorry for being MIA

Hello everyone :)

Sorry for being MIA for a while, its been a crazy week and another one yet to come.
Dillon and I are in the process of moving, so trying to pack as much as we can and get things cleaned up. It's definitely bittersweet, I have to leave a wonderful business and great co-workers but now we will be a lot closer to family- which will be nice because I miss them all like crazy!

This is our last week in Bemidji, we have a lot of stuff packed so I made Venison Chili in the crock pot for our dinners. I add black beans, garbanzo beans, corn, peppers, onion, and diced tomatoes. With a can of tomato sauce and some water. 

We are still getting our fitness on though, so that's good! I've really been liking inclined sprints on the treadmill. Yesterday I did incline at 7.0 and speed at 7.5 - 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off - 15 times. It's such a high intensity workout and I love it! Today, I set the incline at 11.5 and walked at 3.3 speed for 20 minutes. Plus weight training, squats with 145 lbs, dead lifts with 95 lbs, and then arms from The Rock Hard challenge (info in previous post). 

Now to get stuff done before the Wild game tonight!! 

Happy Sunday everyone!