Friday, May 22, 2015

Goals For The Long Weekend

Happy FRI-YAY to all you beautiful people :)

I decided to make goals for myself this weekend, I am still trying to find my routine and get into the swing of things here. Who knew moving and starting a new job could be so stressful! 
I started my new job this past week, three days of training and then one day in the clinic. It went well, overwhelming but good. 

So about these goals I set, here they are
run every day (shorter run, intervals, longer run)
increase my weights while doing the Rock Hard Challenge
sunday = prep day for the next week
get my fitbit steps in daily (at least 10,000)
and lastly... being super duper happy :)

I also wanted to mention that I haven't lost much weight or inches but I know I am getting a heck of a lot stronger- I actually have muscles in my arms, my back, and I've always had stronger legs.. but holy crap they're getting even more stronger and it makes me feel so good about myself and my journey. This is the feeling that keeps me going, that gets my butt to the gym, that gets me to keep choosing healthier food choices, and that makes me a better, happier person. 

"Once you start seeing changes, you become addicted."

I will be posting on Sunday about the recipes I prep for the upcoming week, so stay tuned and have a wonderful weekend!

oh and here's a super cute picture of my puppies!

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