Tuesday, May 12, 2015

hello there

hello there,

So if you haven't heard, my grandpa passed away last Thursday morning. It was very unexpected and difficult to be going through. On top of that, Dillon and I were moving that weekend two hours south. 
The last week and a half has been a little crazy, emotional, and tough. I had to say goodbye to amazing co workers and then my incredible grandpa. My co workers had got me a beautiful cake and made lemonade with denture looking ice cubes - which was adorable!

Last Monday, I decided to take a week off my running schedule because I knew I'd be busy with packing and moving. Now looking back at last week, I am so glad I did. But now that we've moved, we have to find a new gym. The two gyms here are Fitness Connection and Anytime. Later this week, we want to look at both of them and see what they have and how much they cost. 
I also recently purchased the Advocare 24 day challenge. I wanted to start it yesterday and I did. But I don't think I'm in the right mindset right now (my brain is all over the place) and I decided I want to wait to keep going until we have a gym so that I can get back at it in there throughout the challenge. 

Dillon's College Graduation 05/08/15

My beautiful family, please keep them in your prayers through this difficult time.

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