Sunday, May 3, 2015

sorry for being MIA

Hello everyone :)

Sorry for being MIA for a while, its been a crazy week and another one yet to come.
Dillon and I are in the process of moving, so trying to pack as much as we can and get things cleaned up. It's definitely bittersweet, I have to leave a wonderful business and great co-workers but now we will be a lot closer to family- which will be nice because I miss them all like crazy!

This is our last week in Bemidji, we have a lot of stuff packed so I made Venison Chili in the crock pot for our dinners. I add black beans, garbanzo beans, corn, peppers, onion, and diced tomatoes. With a can of tomato sauce and some water. 

We are still getting our fitness on though, so that's good! I've really been liking inclined sprints on the treadmill. Yesterday I did incline at 7.0 and speed at 7.5 - 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off - 15 times. It's such a high intensity workout and I love it! Today, I set the incline at 11.5 and walked at 3.3 speed for 20 minutes. Plus weight training, squats with 145 lbs, dead lifts with 95 lbs, and then arms from The Rock Hard challenge (info in previous post). 

Now to get stuff done before the Wild game tonight!! 

Happy Sunday everyone!

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