Thursday, March 12, 2015

definitely new to blogging

hello everyone!
this is my first blog post and I am going to just let you in on my journey so far. I am 22 years young and am working as a Licensed Dental Assistant. I have an amazing family and a wonderful boyfriend, I could seriously go on for days about how much these people mean to me. 

Anyway, on to my journey of introducing better nutrition and fitness into my life. I had gained probably 15-20 pounds within the last year and half or so. I had been wanting to make a change, I knew had to do something in order to be happy with myself. 

I had came across a family friends IG account and she had inspired me from head to toe. I contacted her through FB messenger for information, tips, nutrition ideas etc. She was so happy to help and messaged me back and forth for what seemed like a few days! She then introduced me to IIFYM (if it fits your macros) - basically you calculate personally for your body the amount of calories, carbs, proteins, and fats that you need to sustain for the day. So I calculated my numbers that came to 140.3C, 156.6P, 69.6F. The first week or so were a little difficult only because you have to weigh all your food and record it. For the first couple weeks I kept a journal that I recorded everything I ate and any workouts I did and how I felt that day. When IIFYM became easier for me, I just kept track of my macros when I entered everything into MFP (My Fitness Pal app). 

I also decided to start training for a half marathon after talking with my friend above ^. I ran my first half in March of 2013, I did not train well at all and it took over 3 hours for me to finish. I was lucky to have a great support system running with my that day to help me through it. That is why I want to try again! I texted my sisters, Amanda and Brenna right away to see if they would want to train with me. Nervous for their response I was greatly surprised when both of them said YES! 

8 weeks into training and I have accomplished long distance runs that I never thought I would be able to do! I have also got into weight lifting but I will save those details for another blog post :) 

Now that is it for my first novel, 
until next time :)


  1. So proud of you sissy! You have been so dedicated and you have persevered through days you didn't think you could. I am so blessed to have you in my life and I am motivated by you daily! Love you meggie!

  2. Megan you have done so well over the last 8 weeks. I cannot wait to see what you can do in the next year. Keep up the great work! Xo.
