Sunday, March 15, 2015

Sunday Funday

I hope everyone had a great weekend... I know I did! 
My sister, Amanda, and her boyfriend Justin (whom is also Dillon's brother) came up to visit us this weekend! We started it off with a great workout- 16 minutes of intervals on the treadmill and then squats and arms in the weight room! Let's just say we all woke up VERY sore. After that we went to dinner (celebrating Justin's birthday) at The Chophouse- one of our favorite restaurants. I got a burger with mushrooms, onions, piece of swiss cheese with no bun with Gorgonzola slaw- it was amazing! 

We did bring them to Chocolates Plus before they left, well because its wonderful. We ended up getting some chocolate covered caramels and red jellybeans- everything in moderation, right? 

I got a call from my other sister, Brenna today which was so nice. I cannot wait to see her and the rest of my family/puppies this weekend for my dad's birthday! 
Dillon and I then went to the gym just to move around since we were so sore. I went on the stair master for 25 minutes and my legs were burning, of course the good kind of burn! 

I also did a little bit of meal prepping today- the recipe is Wild Rice Meatballs from Nutritional Weight and Wellness cookbook. 

 I use lean ground turkey instead of ground beef. I also decided to add 1 Wasa Cracker: Light Rye

I love having these on hand- they're easy and delicious! 

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