Sunday, April 26, 2015

Active Weekends!

Happy Sunday everyone!
This may be a longer post - you have been warned :)
I have two more workouts for you guys, one lower body and one upper body from The Rock Hard Challenge! These are challenging but very efficient. 
Lower Body

Goblet Reverse Lunge (4 sets, 6 reps each side) - hold single dumbbell vertically with palms at your chest and perform reverse lunge

Sumo Squat to Stand (3 sets, 8 reps) - set your feet wide, squat low and grab your toes with your hands (palms stay in contact with the tips of your toes throughout exercise) Stand up while keeping your hands in place

Stability Ball Leg Curl (4 sets, 10 reps) - lie on your back with your heels resting on a large stability ball, rest on your back with your hips off the ground, dig your heels into the ball and bring it in toward your body so your knees are at a 90 degree, slowly extend your legs to start position

Leg Lower (3 sets, 8 reps) - lie on your back with your hands under your hips and your legs fully extended, slowly lower your legs (squeeze your abs) when your legs reach the floor, quickly bring back up

Pallof Press (3 sets, 8 reps each side) - hold handle with both hands at your chest, extend in front of you- holding for a couple seconds and bring back in 
*this can be used with a cable pulley OR a resistance band at home tied to a door knob*

Single Leg Box Squat (3 sets, 8 reps) - set up a bench/box directly behind you (should be high enough so when you bend your knees they are at 90 degrees) extend both arms in front of you for balance, then extend one leg in front of you, then sit down on the box, then stand up pushing through your one foot

Glute March (3 sets, 8 reps each side) - lie on your back and dig your heels into the floor bringing your hips up "march", bringing one knee as close as you can to your chest on each rep

Kneeling Hip Flexor Mobilization (3 sets, 10 reps each side) - drop to one knee and push your hips forward, stretching your hip flexor on the rear leg, hold for two seconds

Upper Body

Single Arm Overhead Dumbbell Press (4 sets, 6 reps each side) - hold one dumbbell at shoulder height and press upwards with the other hand on your hip

Renegade Row (3 sets, 8 reps each side) - hold a pair of dumbbells and get into a pushup position, supporting your body on the handles, brace your core and support your body with one arm as you roll the other dumbbell to your shoulder

Inverted Row (4 sets, 8 reps) - set a barbell on the spotter bars on the rack about two feet off the ground, lie under the bar and pull your chest up to the bar, keep body in straight line

Incline Dumbbell Press (3 sets, 10 reps) - on an incline bench, hold dumbbells at shoulder height and press upwards

Scapular Wall Slide (3 sets, 10 reps) - stand flat with your shoulders against the wall, put your hands up with the tops of your hands against the wall, move them up above your head making a "V", hold for two seconds and then go back down to shoulder height

Close Grip Pushup (3 sets to failure) - get in pushup position, making a diamond with your hands

Incline Dumbbell Curl (3 sets, 8 reps each side) - on an incline bench perform dumbbell curls, alternating arms each rep

Plank (3 sets, 30 seconds each)

This is a lot of information again, but I recommend using it as a resource when you want to work certain areas. If you have any questions about these exercises you can always comment below!

This weekend for me was full of activity and it was amazing! We did these workouts above, got some running in, were able to bike around the lake, go for walks through Itasca State Park and see where the Mississippi started!

Cheers to another healthy, happy, active week ahead :) 

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