Monday, June 1, 2015

Who Else Had A Wonderful Weekend?

Did everyone have an amazing weekend? 
I hope so!

My weekend was great and I got to see many people!
It started off with a killer leg workout with my favorite gym buddy

Then we met up with my sister Amanda, her boyfriend Justin and his daughter AND my sister Brenna and her boyfriend Mike for dinner. We were celebrating Amanda and Mikes birthdays. We enjoyed some delicious food from Buca- everything in moderation is key. 

After that I went home (WBL) and got to spend some quality time with my sister Brenna! We watched lifetime movies and she made Strawberry Shortcake :) The next morning we went for a walk on Lake Avenue (if anyone is ever in WB they should run/walk/bike/rollerblade etc on Lake Ave... IT'S BEAUTIFUL!)

Sunday afternoon was one of my great friends, Stephanie's bridal shower. It was so great to see and catch up with her.. it had been way too long. I cannot wait to be a part of her big day in a couple weeks 

Today, Dillon's sister and I went to the gym- I worked on arms today and she went on the treadmill and bike today! Now its time to prep some meals. My step-sister shared two recipes with me that I cannot wait to try.. buffalo chicken salad and regular chicken salad

Happy Monday all, it's going to be a great week :)

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