Monday, April 6, 2015

Easter Weekend

My Easter weekend was wonderful! 

I love being able to come home and spend time with family. On Saturday, we went to Dillon's grandmas for family fun and lots of food! I ate two pieces of ham, about a 1/2 C. of cheesy potatoes, beans, some veggies, and a little piece of strawberry short cake. It was yummy! On Sunday, we went to his aunt and uncles and had many of the same foods- ham, potatoes, veggies, beans, fruit, pasta salad, fruit pizza etc.
I believe it is just fine to eat whatever on holidays because it is special time with people you love that you don't need to restrict yourself. 

On a different note, I finally went shopping in what seems like forever. I haven't gone to Old Navy since I was a kid, but I did and it was incredible! They have so many adorable clothes, and of course their workout clothes are so great- dry fit capris, pants, tanks, cut offs, nice jackets, sports bras etc! I definitely recommend their workout attire if anyone is looking for some new finds at an affordable price!

I did think of some goals for myself after the holiday weekend to get me back on track
get back to the gym 5-6 times/wk
to meet my macros
to start making morning smoothies (especially with my MCT oil- many health benefits)
staying consistent with my weights in the weight room

hope you all had a wonderful Monday :)

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