Friday, April 10, 2015

Feel Good Post

I was looking through Pinterest today and found some really great quotes that I wanted to share with you guys

"She was unstoppable not because she did not have failures or doubts, but because she continued on despite them."

I love this quote because everyone has those moments or days where things just don't work out the way you wanted, or a bad workout, or a day where your nutrition is off- but you keep looking onward and don't just give up because of that. Your goals are worth so much to just throw away after one, two, or three bad days. I know I'm not the only one when I say there are days where I get down on myself for not seeing any physical changes with my body and would rather sit on the couch and watch Modern Family but I put my big girl pants on and get in my workout for the day. I know when I have days like these that I have to persevere because its another step closer towards my goals and soon I will see changes. Anytime you feel like you don't want to go to the gym that is when it is most important to go, those are the days where progress happens. Keep up the hard work!!

"Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tip toe if you must. But take the step."

When I first started changing my lifestyle, it was small steps at a time. It is really hard to change multiple things at one time... usually that overwhelming and discourages you. At first, I started changing my dinners to having a protein and veggie versus spaghetti or something like that. Added delicious smoothies to my day. Started weight training, something I had never really tried before. Then, I started training for my half marathon at a very slow pace. For the first few weeks, I was jogging a little with more walking. The more I trained the more I was able to jog more and more with less walking each time. Now I am up to 8 miles-- that is crazy to me! All the little steps add up and push you to a healthier, stronger, better you.

Self confidence is one thing I hardly had, I was always down on my body and never saw myself as beautiful. Throughout my journey of training and changing nutrition I have gained more and more of it and have learned to love myself at every stage of this adventure! I've learned to fall in love with the process and remember that many changes are coming my way. 

1 comment:

  1. So inspiring meggie! I needed this i haven't done anything this week! Back to it tomorrow
