Tuesday, April 21, 2015

When You Don't Want To Work Out

Before I talk about not wanting to workout I just want to update you on my weekend. It was my birthday, YAY.. but for dinner we went to a restaurant called Paleos. It was AMAZING. If you're in the Lino Lakes, MN area - it is a must try! It is a little spendy, but so worth it. Given the name, they follow the paleo diet - so the burgers don't have buns, no potatoes (cauliflower in place) etc. but it is delicious. I had the protein patty, it was a burger (no bun) with almond butter and an egg on top which came with bacon brussel sprouts. Let's just say, my plate was clean!

On another note, today I got home from work and was not motivated AT ALL to go to the gym. I had planned to run for 20 min (5 min warm up, 2 min at 6.6 speed, 1:30 min at 4.9 speed X3 and a 5 min cool down) along with the Rock Hard Challenge- Lower Body Workout as previously posted. But I just wasn't feeling it, I would rather just sit down wrapped up in my blanket.

But Dillon got me out the house and to the gym. I did my run and lower body workout, and I am so glad I did. Sometimes you just need someone to push you to get you going and then it all goes up from there. My run went better than expected and I was able to really focus on my legs and glutes today. I was sweating so bad- but that just proves that I was working hard!
If anyone out there is having a day where you want to sit on the couch, eating, watching Criminal Minds like me- well here is your sign and push to put your big girl/boy pants on and get your workout in. You will feel SO much better that you did and you will thank yourself!

Later this week, I will have a couple different upper and lower body workouts for you guys to try.. so stay tuned :)

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