Sunday, April 12, 2015

Rock Hard Challenge

Dillon loves Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson and one day he was looking up The Rock's workout plan. He came across something called The Rock Hard Challenge. It is a workout plan for five days a week: 2 leg days, 2 upper body days and 1 total barbell.
After 30 minutes of cardio today we gave the total barbell a try. It is six different workouts with the bar, you do all six without setting the bar down- three times.

1. Hang clean (5 reps) - hold the bar with wider than shoulder width grip, let it hang at your knees, explosively extend your hips, shrug your shoulders, pull with your arms, and rise onto your toes. The bar will end at your shoulders

2. Reverse lunge (5 reps) - hold the bar at your shoulders and do five reverse lunges on each side

3. Push press (10 reps) - bring the bar up to your chest and bench the bar above your head

4. Back Squat (10 reps) - place the bar behind your head and onto your neck and shoulders, position into a squat stance, point your toes out a little, squat as low as you can and explode up

5. High pull (10 reps) - grab the bar, pull up as high as you can

6. Romanian deadlift (10 reps) - bend down without bending your knees, grab and hold onto the bar coming up to a straight back and repeat

This was hard but we knew it was a great workout by the amount of sweat that was going on. It said to start at 65 lbs (the bar and a 10 lb on each side), but in order for me to complete the circuit without dropping the bar- I did not add any weights to the bar. And that was plenty! I would recommend this workout to anyone that has access to a bar because it works all your muscles and makes you feel so good after! 

This week after we try the other workouts for this challenge, I will post a blog with the leg and upper body circuits. I will also give my honest opinion about the workouts, how I felt, and if I'd recommend them.

Stay tuned :)

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