Thursday, September 17, 2015

Pumpkin Protein Balls

So I wanted to try a new recipe... Pumpkin Protein Balls
Sounds pretty yummy, right? 

Well, the recipe I had didn't make much sense but I thought just follow the recipe and you'll be good. 

1/3 C. pumpkin puree
1 1/2 serving of Vanilla Whey Protein Powder
3 C. Honey
1/3 C. Nut Butter
1 1/2 C. Oatmeal
1 1/2 tsp. Pumpkin pie spice

So the honey part throws me off... like why 3 cups?!?! But I was trusting the recipe. 
So as you can imagine, it was very wet. I tried adding more oats and protein powder but that didn't even budge. I put it in the fridge for at least 30 minutes to see if it would thicken up. It might have a little bit, but I still couldn't make balls out of it. So I said whatever and put it in a tupperware and put it back in the fridge and will figure out what to do with it later. 

Although, I did taste it and it does taste really good... so if y'all want to just tweak this recipe, it would be super good! And let me know how it goes :)

Always wanting to try new things, especially easy protein balls that you can just take on the go - so if anyone has an awesome recipe send it my way!!

Happy Thursday everyone!

Monday, September 14, 2015

MIA, sorry!

And I have been MIA for quite a while now, life has gotten in the way. 
I hope to start keeping up with this regularly now that summer is over and there might be more time :) 

Recently, I was asked by an old high school friend for help with her and her boyfriends health journey. It was such a great feeling, knowing that I am inspiring people little by little. I am in the process of creating a few different ideas for lifting and cardio workouts for both of them and it is so much fun to do! 
If anyone else is interested, please let me know! 

On another note, planning a wedding has been a lot of fun so far. It is also nice because we have a few weddings this fall, so it is great getting ideas for ours! Dillon and I were on a mini vacation last week, we went up to Bemidji MN- where we used to live. It was SO SO great seeing our friends and being back up in that beautiful part of the state! Can't wait to go back sometime hopefully soon!!

Later this week, I plan to blog about some energy protein balls that I will be making. Quick and easy snacks are always great, especially when I am on the go a lot! I'm excited to try them and share them with you all :) 

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

My Tuesday!

My Tuesday has been pretty productive, how about yours? 

I started off with lower body workout -->

 Squat with calf raise - 3 sets, 10 reps
Goblet Squat - 3 sets, 10 reps
Split Leg Squat - 3 sets, 10 reps each side
Hamstring curl w/medicine ball - 3 sets, 10 reps
Leg raises w/ medicine ball - 3 sets, 10 reps
Hip thrusts w/kettle bell in lap - 3 sets, 10 reps
2 other exercises from 21 day fix DVD that I don't know the names of (I can make a quick video if any of you want them)
walk at incline 9.0, speed 3.0 until exhausted

Then I went grocery shopping to make dinner and get a few snacks for the week
Dinner is chicken tacos tonight -->

4 skinless, boneless chicken breasts (cleaned and washed)
1 can of corn (not drained)
1 can black beans (drained and washed)
1 can rotel tomatoes (not drained)
1 cream cheese block (I used organic)
1 packet of taco seasoning OR dry ranch packet

then shred chicken and enjoy on lettuce, tortilla, or even rice! 


Thursday, August 20, 2015

Always Love A Good Leg Workout

So I want to share with you all the leg workout that Dillon and I did the other day.... I'm still sore (in a good way)

Kettle bell squat with calf raise - 3 sets, 10 reps
Hip Thrusts with dumbbell in lap - 3 sets, 10 reps
Split leg squat - 3 sets, 10 reps each side
Curtsey lunge - 2 sets, 10 reps
Step up jumps with dumbbells (on bench) - 3 sets, 30 seconds
Plank - 1 minute
Right side plank - 45 seconds
Left side plank - 45 seconds

It was a quick but VERY effective workout! 

They will be burning :) 

Please give it a try and let me know how it goes!!

Monday, August 10, 2015


This past weekend marked the day of the gopher to badger half marathon. There were so many different emotions throughout the weekend. I was beyond nervous the entire time, I knew I had trained A LOT more than my first half but I was still so nervous about running 13.1 miles. 

The first 3-4 miles I felt really good, I was able to keep up with a friend at a good pace. I did have to drop behind her and slow down just a bit in order to feel comfortable. Around mile 6, I was having thoughts of self doubt. I kept thinking "I can't do this" ,"I won't be able to finish" , "Why did I even sign up for this?" but I soon kicked those thoughts to the curb. I realized I CAN do this, I TRAINED for this, BELIEVE in yourself. From there on out, I just kept hitting the next mile markers and it seemed to go by and then all of a sudden I was at mile 10.

The last three miles was full of excitement. I was anxious to be done and cross that finish line. I knew my boyfriend Dillon, my sister Brenna, and my cousin Sam (he also ran the race but is blessed with being a very great runner) would all be there at the finish line. I had reminded my dad about the race the night before and he told me that he would try and be there to see me finish. Well when I was coming into the park (that winded around to the finish line) I came up a hill and saw Dillon, Brenna, Sam and my dad. I immediately teared up and got emotional. I was just so happy to see all of them there cheering me on and being proud of me. It showed me that all the training runs I didn't want to get up and do - paid off, because I finished 13.1 miles feeling SO great inside and beyond proud of myself. 

This is my cousin Sam and I after the race!

This half marathon experience was so much better than my first one. Like I've said before, I owe a lot to my friend Bailey. I had connected with her back in January 2015 for help. I needed someone to kickstart my health. She encouraged me to sign up for another half marathon with a training schedule in hand so that it would go A LOT better than my first one. She helped me with my nutrition and introduced me to IIFYM, which is amazing! She has also been there for support and answering all my silly questions. 
Thank you, Bailey!!

This is Bailey and I after the race too!

And I'll end it with a selfie with my cutie pie :)

Friday, July 31, 2015

Busy Busy Busy

I don't know about you guys but this summer has been so busy and going by so fast! I can't believe this weekend will be August! I thought today I would update y'all on my life. 

I recently accepted a new position at a pediatric office and I am excited to see what that'll bring for me. I am still working out but I have fallen in love with lifting weights and so on days that I need to get my runs in.. it's so boring and I don't much enjoy it as much. My half marathon is next weekend, I am excited and I'm not really running it for time but more as just finishing it. I am looking forward to have that behind me so that I can really focus on weights and becoming stronger. 

I have also been busy with my Advocare business, I can't believe how much it took off! I am really proud of everyone reaching out to me and wanting to learn more about it. It is such an amazing company to be a part of and I can't thank my sponsor Amanda enough for all the help she has given me! I got my order of Slam and Lemon Cake Shake... they're both SO good. I can't believe they're only here for a limited time! I also did just purchase my 24 Day Challenge this morning. My sister Bren got hers last week and is SO excited and determined, I am SO proud of her! 

This is Dillon and I on the lake a couple weekends ago, it was so beautiful out and our first time on the lake this year!!

We love when we go see my family- Starbucks and sitting out by the lake :)

And heres my love bug, life wouldn't be as great without him in it. He is so supportive of everything I do and I couldn't be more lucky!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Why Advocare?

So a lot of you have reached out to me about Advocare, which is AMAZING and I am so happy you did! I have a passion for helping people become happier, healthier, and more confident in their skin so I decided to become a distributor for Advocare. I have seen great results with their products and would recommend it to anyone. Advocare is really a great company that has many great products, they're an elite nutrition company with over 90 products. 

Some of the products that I have tried are Spark- which is amazing (pink lemonade is my fave) It gives me a clear mind and enough energy to make it through the day. I also use Catalyst, I take 3 before I workout because it helps eliminate fat and tone lean muscle. I have tried the chocolate mocha meal replacement shake, it was super yummy and creamy and filled with SO much protein. 

Some of the products I really want to try are the Lemon Cake Shake, the Slam, Sleep Works, Recovery. I cannot wait to start ordering some of these! 

If you have ANY questions about Advocare or are interested and want more information please please please feel FREE to contact me anyway

instagram: meganmichellejourney


Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Avocado Mousse- YUM

It has been so busy lately so I apologize for the lack of posts BUT I do need to share an awesome, delicious, healthy recipe that my sister made me. 

Brenna came up for a couple nights to visit me and our other sister Amanda, it's been so great having her here!! We all got in our upper body workout this morning- we will be sore tomorrow, for sure. 

Anyway on to this recipe...

Avocado Mousse

4 ripe avocados
1/2 C. semi sweet chocolate chips
1/2 C. agave nectar
1/2 C. unsweetened cocoa powder
1/3 C. almond milk (we used Fairlife brand of regular milk)
1 Tbsp. pure vanilla extract
1/4 tsp. fine salt
fresh raspberries for garnish

Brenna also made some homemade whip cream, which consisted of heavy whipping cream, a spoon full of powdered sugar and a few drops of pure vanilla extract all whipped up! 

Please give this a try when you have a sweet tooth! It is a nice, creamy, rich, delicious dessert :) 

Sunday, July 5, 2015

The Fourth and a nummy recipe

I hope everyone had a fun and safe Fourth of July! 
It was such a nice, long weekend for us. Dillon and I went on cruise on Gull Lake to see fireworks at Breezy Point, it was so much fun and definitely something different to do for date night! Saturday, we went to the parade, had BBQ at grandmas, and then finished the night with fireworks in Brainerd... I swear they have the best show- the fireworks are huge and right above where you sit, it's amazing! 

Today I made mason jar salads, I can't wait to try them and see how long they stay fresh. They're supposed to be good up to 7 days! You start by layering your dressing (any dressing you want), then your hearty vegetables (carrots, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, radishes etc), then softer vegetables (sprouts, mushrooms, onions, avocado), then anything like quinoa, rice, pasta etc, then your protein (meat, eggs etc), then on top is your lettuce mixture, nuts, and cheese if you want it! 

My sister Brenna also tried overnight oats this weekend and told me that they were SO good and she would definitely recommend them, so sometime this week I want to get the ingredients and give them a try and let y'all know how they are!

I also said I would let you know how my Zucchini bread was... well, it was DELICIOUS and a huge hit in this household! Here is the recipe

1/2 C. vanilla greek yogurt
1 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
1 large egg
1/3 C. coconut oil
2 tbsp. honey
3 tbsp. very ripe banana (mine was about one banana)
1/2 C. lightly packed brown sugar (mine is a stevia brand)
1/2 C. oat flour (blended oats)
1 C. flour (mine is a GF flour)
1 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 C. lightly packed grated zucchini
1/2 C. dark chocolate chips (mine was enjoy life brand)

Preheat to 325 degrees and bake for 40-50 minutes

A friend was also asking about a Fig Balsamic Vinaigrette recipe that I have, so I would like to share that as well. It is good for salads, grilled veggies etc. 

2 tbsp. fresh squeezed orange juice
2 tbsp. Fig balsamic vinegar (Autumn Harvest brand is good)
1/4 tsp. dijon mustard
1/2 tsp. chopped thyme
1/4 C.  blood orange infused olive oil (Autumn Harvest brand is good)
salt and pepper to taste

It makes about a half cup
I believe those brands you can find in some grocery stores or Amazon. 

Another one for regular homemade Balsamic Vinaigrette is
1/3 C. olive oil
2 tbsp. balsamic vinager
1/2 tbsp. red wine vinegar
1 clove garlic (minced or pressed)
1/4 tsp. ground mustard
1 tbsp. lemon juice

I will keep finding dressings too, it's always nice to have some in your recipe book :)

Friday, June 26, 2015

Monster cookie protein balls? Say What!

These were a HUGE hit in our house when I made them. They're so yummy and filled with protein!

1 C. Oatmeal
1/2 C. Natural Peanut Butter (I used almond butter)
1/4 C. Honey (I used Agave Nectar)
1 Scoop vanilla whey protein powder (I'm sure any kind would work)
Mini M&Ms
Mini dark chocolate chips

Mix all together in a bowl, make into balls and put in the fridge! I doubled the batch which was perfect for us. 

My friend had showed me a blog with a TON of good healthy recipes on it. 

Right now I have the Zucchini bread in the oven, I will let you know how it goes! I have never made it before, so we will see :)

Tomorrow I plan to run 8-10 miles, I haven't decided yet. I hope you all have a fun, active, healthy weekend :)

Friday, June 19, 2015

who wants an awesome leg day workout?!

This past Tuesday, I put together a leg workout for my sister and I to do at the gym. Little did I know... I was not expecting to STILL be sore... It's definitely a good sore but oh my gosh my hamstrings are killing me! So I thought I need to share this, here it is

Front Squats (regular squats) with weights - 3 sets, 20 reps
Sumo Squats with weights - 3 sets, 20 reps
Goblet Squats with weights - 3 sets, 15 reps
Deadlifts - 4 sets, 15 reps
Split Lunge with weight - 3 sets, 10 reps
Calf Raises (normal, inward, outward) - 1 set, 30 reps, 1 set, 10 reps
Hamstring Leg Row w/ball - 4 sets, 30 seconds
Squat with a band around ankles and walk 20 steps one way and 20 steps back

For the front squats and sumo squats I used 25lb weights, for the goblet squat I used 35lb and then for the deadlifts I put a 25lb on each side of the bar. 

I hope you all give this a try, because your legs will be burning for days :)

On another note, last weekend I got to spend some quality time with my family! We were able to go for a jog with my mom, step dad, and sister. 

My dad, step brother, and my dads cousin did the MS150 bike ride. They start in Duluth, MN and bike to White Bear Lake, MN in two days. It's for an amazing cause. My grandpa and grandma both have Multiple Sclerosis and all the funds raised by each biker go to finding a cure for MS. 

If any of you try the leg day workout, let me know how it goes - I would love to hear about it!! 

Oh and here's a picture of one of my oh so cute dogs, Levi

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

My Wellness Journey, So Far

I wanted to share with you my wellness journey as of now. 

I have struggled with many things throughout the years, such as weight gain, destructive eating habits, learning what foods are actually nutritious. I have tried multiple things to help me be "healthy" throughout the years but now I am finally learning what is actually good for me versus what people think is good for you. 

When I was growing up, we always had processed, packaged food around our house along with many fresh fruits and vegetables. As a kid, I would say I was a little overweight. I would eat whatever and did not have a good idea of what was actually nutritious for my body and what was destructive to my body. I was always active as a kid with sports such as soccer and hockey. As the years went on and high school came around I was a little more aware of what was good for my body, but I still was no where near as educated as I wish I had been. 

My first year of college, I was a very confused girl. I did not know what I wanted to do with my life and I was just going through the motions by going to classes, meeting new people, becoming best friends with my roommate. I did not take my health seriously at that time. I was rarely active and did not make the most nutritious decisions. After that year, I moved back home and started focusing more on exercise and making better eating choices. I started making more smoothies (fruits, flax seed, protein, yogurt, real cranberry juice), my family had done a really nice detox (removing all the bad toxins and cleansing your insides) and making sure I had a dinner with a protein, fat, and veggie. 

Within the last year, I have turned my life around. I have not been tested for a gluten intolerance, but I have played around with gluten and found out that I feel 100% better when I stay away from it. Many people think being gluten free is a fad diet right now and that buying GF items will make you healthy and lose weight, but in reality it is a serous cause and a lot of people need the options of gluten free. By no means does that mean all GF foods are healthy, some are still processed and packaged just like regular foods. When I would eat breads, wheat pastas, flour, oats etc., I would feel extremely bloated to the point where I felt sick, I would be gassy, I also would have no energy to want to do anything after I ate. Since removing that from my eating, I have felt great, I hardly ever get that nasty bloated feeling. Thank goodness!

I am currently training for a half marathon in August and I have grown a love for weight lifting (I lift about 4-5 days a week and run 3-4 times a week). Right now I focus on flexible dieting but a lot of my recipes are considered paleo. I have three paleo cookbooks that I love, everything is delicious. My step sister has been cooking paleo for quite some time now and she loves it, she has mentioned that she feels so much better and has so much more energy. One goal of mine is to keep making more and more recipes from those books because I know I feel better when I eat whole foods.

I know I have a long road ahead of me to get where I want to be in my journey but I have also realized its a lifelong journey that I will always be working on and being committed to a healthier lifestyle. I am here to help others in their wellness journeys and able to give them the right resources along the way. I really enjoy talking health, fitness, nutrition, or life- so don't be afraid to contact me. 

Always be inspired, 
Megan Michelle

Saturday, June 6, 2015


I am proud to say that Dillon ran his first race ever today!!!

It was a 4K (about 2.5 miles) and we both finished in 25 minutes. He did so great and I am so proud! 

Today was an off day for me with my running, but I am glad that he was there because he pushed me to just keep on going - which is exactly what I needed! 

Races are a fun way to do something together and it'll be fun to see what races are ahead for both of us :)

On another note, I made a fabulous chicken salad this past week (recipe shared through my awesome step-sister)

2 lbs boneless, skinless chicken breasts
3/4 C. pecan pieces, toasted
2 C. red seedless grapes, halved
3 stalks of celery, thinly sliced

1 C. mayonnaise (I used Spectrum brand)
4 tsp. apple cider vinegar
5 tsp. honey
2 tsp. poppy seeds
salt and pepper to taste

I definitely recommend it. And if you use the right mayonnaise, it's pretty good for you! 

Have an awesome Saturday, my friends!!

Monday, June 1, 2015

Who Else Had A Wonderful Weekend?

Did everyone have an amazing weekend? 
I hope so!

My weekend was great and I got to see many people!
It started off with a killer leg workout with my favorite gym buddy

Then we met up with my sister Amanda, her boyfriend Justin and his daughter AND my sister Brenna and her boyfriend Mike for dinner. We were celebrating Amanda and Mikes birthdays. We enjoyed some delicious food from Buca- everything in moderation is key. 

After that I went home (WBL) and got to spend some quality time with my sister Brenna! We watched lifetime movies and she made Strawberry Shortcake :) The next morning we went for a walk on Lake Avenue (if anyone is ever in WB they should run/walk/bike/rollerblade etc on Lake Ave... IT'S BEAUTIFUL!)

Sunday afternoon was one of my great friends, Stephanie's bridal shower. It was so great to see and catch up with her.. it had been way too long. I cannot wait to be a part of her big day in a couple weeks 

Today, Dillon's sister and I went to the gym- I worked on arms today and she went on the treadmill and bike today! Now its time to prep some meals. My step-sister shared two recipes with me that I cannot wait to try.. buffalo chicken salad and regular chicken salad

Happy Monday all, it's going to be a great week :)

Monday, May 25, 2015

Sunday Prep Day

Prep day fun!

I actually don't mind prep day because I really enjoy cooking!

I made a egg and egg white bake, with salt and pepper. I cut up veggies to have with the egg bake for breakfasts.

For lunch/dinner, I made shredded chicken breasts (put in crock pot with seasonings of your choice on low for 6-8 hours or high for 4-6 hours) then just shred up - with brown rice (1/2C.) - and broccoli (3/4C.)
sliced cucumbers with cracked pepper turkey breast (store bought) with roasted garlic humus. 
I will alternate the two meals for lunch and dinners!

I also cleaned up my fruit (raspberries and strawberries) and my veggies (green peppers, carrots, pea pods) to have for quick grab.

This did not take me long at all once the chicken was cooked, I put it in the crock pot at around 10 for 5 hours on high and had all my prep done by 4! It really is not hard at all if you have planned out what different things you will make!! Give it a try and you'll see how easy it'll be on you during the week :)

Friday, May 22, 2015

Goals For The Long Weekend

Happy FRI-YAY to all you beautiful people :)

I decided to make goals for myself this weekend, I am still trying to find my routine and get into the swing of things here. Who knew moving and starting a new job could be so stressful! 
I started my new job this past week, three days of training and then one day in the clinic. It went well, overwhelming but good. 

So about these goals I set, here they are
run every day (shorter run, intervals, longer run)
increase my weights while doing the Rock Hard Challenge
sunday = prep day for the next week
get my fitbit steps in daily (at least 10,000)
and lastly... being super duper happy :)

I also wanted to mention that I haven't lost much weight or inches but I know I am getting a heck of a lot stronger- I actually have muscles in my arms, my back, and I've always had stronger legs.. but holy crap they're getting even more stronger and it makes me feel so good about myself and my journey. This is the feeling that keeps me going, that gets my butt to the gym, that gets me to keep choosing healthier food choices, and that makes me a better, happier person. 

"Once you start seeing changes, you become addicted."

I will be posting on Sunday about the recipes I prep for the upcoming week, so stay tuned and have a wonderful weekend!

oh and here's a super cute picture of my puppies!

Friday, May 15, 2015

Back At It


We are back it my friends!
Yesterday, Dillon and I got a gym membership at Anytime Fitness. I am so excited to get into the routine of things (eating and exercising). It has been a rough couple weeks with moving, my grandpa passing, and settling in. 
My eating and exercising has not been so good. My mental wellness has been in a rut too, it has been emotional, not wanting to workout, not planning meals for a couple weeks. It's definitely hard finding your groove and routine but I can't wait to start running and lifting again. 
I also had planned to start my Advocare journey earlier this week, but with everything going on I didn't want to not give 100%. So today was my day to start. With the gym available, able to have time to plan my meals etc - I thought I will start and give it my all!

Today's workout was one mile jog (4.8 speed), one mile inclined sprints (6.5 incline, 6.5 speed), one mile on the stair master.  Then later today, we will go back and do our rock hard challenge upper body workout.

In struggles like I've had these past couple weeks, you just have to remember to pick yourself up and remember why you started. Just have to keep chugging along and move closer and closer to your goals. 

Happy Fri-YAY :)

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

hello there

hello there,

So if you haven't heard, my grandpa passed away last Thursday morning. It was very unexpected and difficult to be going through. On top of that, Dillon and I were moving that weekend two hours south. 
The last week and a half has been a little crazy, emotional, and tough. I had to say goodbye to amazing co workers and then my incredible grandpa. My co workers had got me a beautiful cake and made lemonade with denture looking ice cubes - which was adorable!

Last Monday, I decided to take a week off my running schedule because I knew I'd be busy with packing and moving. Now looking back at last week, I am so glad I did. But now that we've moved, we have to find a new gym. The two gyms here are Fitness Connection and Anytime. Later this week, we want to look at both of them and see what they have and how much they cost. 
I also recently purchased the Advocare 24 day challenge. I wanted to start it yesterday and I did. But I don't think I'm in the right mindset right now (my brain is all over the place) and I decided I want to wait to keep going until we have a gym so that I can get back at it in there throughout the challenge. 

Dillon's College Graduation 05/08/15

My beautiful family, please keep them in your prayers through this difficult time.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

sorry for being MIA

Hello everyone :)

Sorry for being MIA for a while, its been a crazy week and another one yet to come.
Dillon and I are in the process of moving, so trying to pack as much as we can and get things cleaned up. It's definitely bittersweet, I have to leave a wonderful business and great co-workers but now we will be a lot closer to family- which will be nice because I miss them all like crazy!

This is our last week in Bemidji, we have a lot of stuff packed so I made Venison Chili in the crock pot for our dinners. I add black beans, garbanzo beans, corn, peppers, onion, and diced tomatoes. With a can of tomato sauce and some water. 

We are still getting our fitness on though, so that's good! I've really been liking inclined sprints on the treadmill. Yesterday I did incline at 7.0 and speed at 7.5 - 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off - 15 times. It's such a high intensity workout and I love it! Today, I set the incline at 11.5 and walked at 3.3 speed for 20 minutes. Plus weight training, squats with 145 lbs, dead lifts with 95 lbs, and then arms from The Rock Hard challenge (info in previous post). 

Now to get stuff done before the Wild game tonight!! 

Happy Sunday everyone!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Active Weekends!

Happy Sunday everyone!
This may be a longer post - you have been warned :)
I have two more workouts for you guys, one lower body and one upper body from The Rock Hard Challenge! These are challenging but very efficient. 
Lower Body

Goblet Reverse Lunge (4 sets, 6 reps each side) - hold single dumbbell vertically with palms at your chest and perform reverse lunge

Sumo Squat to Stand (3 sets, 8 reps) - set your feet wide, squat low and grab your toes with your hands (palms stay in contact with the tips of your toes throughout exercise) Stand up while keeping your hands in place

Stability Ball Leg Curl (4 sets, 10 reps) - lie on your back with your heels resting on a large stability ball, rest on your back with your hips off the ground, dig your heels into the ball and bring it in toward your body so your knees are at a 90 degree, slowly extend your legs to start position

Leg Lower (3 sets, 8 reps) - lie on your back with your hands under your hips and your legs fully extended, slowly lower your legs (squeeze your abs) when your legs reach the floor, quickly bring back up

Pallof Press (3 sets, 8 reps each side) - hold handle with both hands at your chest, extend in front of you- holding for a couple seconds and bring back in 
*this can be used with a cable pulley OR a resistance band at home tied to a door knob*

Single Leg Box Squat (3 sets, 8 reps) - set up a bench/box directly behind you (should be high enough so when you bend your knees they are at 90 degrees) extend both arms in front of you for balance, then extend one leg in front of you, then sit down on the box, then stand up pushing through your one foot

Glute March (3 sets, 8 reps each side) - lie on your back and dig your heels into the floor bringing your hips up "march", bringing one knee as close as you can to your chest on each rep

Kneeling Hip Flexor Mobilization (3 sets, 10 reps each side) - drop to one knee and push your hips forward, stretching your hip flexor on the rear leg, hold for two seconds

Upper Body

Single Arm Overhead Dumbbell Press (4 sets, 6 reps each side) - hold one dumbbell at shoulder height and press upwards with the other hand on your hip

Renegade Row (3 sets, 8 reps each side) - hold a pair of dumbbells and get into a pushup position, supporting your body on the handles, brace your core and support your body with one arm as you roll the other dumbbell to your shoulder

Inverted Row (4 sets, 8 reps) - set a barbell on the spotter bars on the rack about two feet off the ground, lie under the bar and pull your chest up to the bar, keep body in straight line

Incline Dumbbell Press (3 sets, 10 reps) - on an incline bench, hold dumbbells at shoulder height and press upwards

Scapular Wall Slide (3 sets, 10 reps) - stand flat with your shoulders against the wall, put your hands up with the tops of your hands against the wall, move them up above your head making a "V", hold for two seconds and then go back down to shoulder height

Close Grip Pushup (3 sets to failure) - get in pushup position, making a diamond with your hands

Incline Dumbbell Curl (3 sets, 8 reps each side) - on an incline bench perform dumbbell curls, alternating arms each rep

Plank (3 sets, 30 seconds each)

This is a lot of information again, but I recommend using it as a resource when you want to work certain areas. If you have any questions about these exercises you can always comment below!

This weekend for me was full of activity and it was amazing! We did these workouts above, got some running in, were able to bike around the lake, go for walks through Itasca State Park and see where the Mississippi started!

Cheers to another healthy, happy, active week ahead :) 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

When You Don't Want To Work Out

Before I talk about not wanting to workout I just want to update you on my weekend. It was my birthday, YAY.. but for dinner we went to a restaurant called Paleos. It was AMAZING. If you're in the Lino Lakes, MN area - it is a must try! It is a little spendy, but so worth it. Given the name, they follow the paleo diet - so the burgers don't have buns, no potatoes (cauliflower in place) etc. but it is delicious. I had the protein patty, it was a burger (no bun) with almond butter and an egg on top which came with bacon brussel sprouts. Let's just say, my plate was clean!

On another note, today I got home from work and was not motivated AT ALL to go to the gym. I had planned to run for 20 min (5 min warm up, 2 min at 6.6 speed, 1:30 min at 4.9 speed X3 and a 5 min cool down) along with the Rock Hard Challenge- Lower Body Workout as previously posted. But I just wasn't feeling it, I would rather just sit down wrapped up in my blanket.

But Dillon got me out the house and to the gym. I did my run and lower body workout, and I am so glad I did. Sometimes you just need someone to push you to get you going and then it all goes up from there. My run went better than expected and I was able to really focus on my legs and glutes today. I was sweating so bad- but that just proves that I was working hard!
If anyone out there is having a day where you want to sit on the couch, eating, watching Criminal Minds like me- well here is your sign and push to put your big girl/boy pants on and get your workout in. You will feel SO much better that you did and you will thank yourself!

Later this week, I will have a couple different upper and lower body workouts for you guys to try.. so stay tuned :)

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Lower and Upper Body

Alright so today I have The Rock Hard Challenge upper and lower body workouts that we did the last two days. I really liked these workouts, I am still sore and was non stop sweating while doing them. If you're interested, keep on reading :)
Lower body 

Dumbbell deadlift (4 sets of 8 reps) - grab dumbbells of your size (I did 20 lbs), bend your knees while keeping your arms down by your side and keep your back straight

Kneeling Hip Flexor Mobilization (3 sets of 10 reps EACH SIDE) - drop to one knee and push your hips forward, stretching your hip flexor on the rear leg, hold for a couple seconds then repeat

Bulgarian Split Squat (4 sets of 8 reps) - set one foot behind you on a bench/chair/couch and hold onto a pair of dumbbells (I used 20 lbs again) and bend your front knee down into a squat as far as you can, return up and repeat

Ankle Mobility (3 sets of 10 reps) - place one foot at the base of the wall keeping your heel down and your toes against the wall, bend your knee and push it closer to the wall to feel a stretch in your calf, ankles and repeat

Side Plank (3 sets of 30 seconds EACH SIDE) - lie on your side propping yourself up on your forearm (elbow). Keep your body in a straight line, hold for time and repeat

Single Leg Hip Thrust (3 sets of 8 reps EACH SIDE) - sit on the floor and brace your upper back on a bench/chair. Fully extend your right leg so your knee goes to the ceiling and press your left leg into the floor, do each side and repeat

Sumo Squat Stretch (3 sets, 20 seconds) - squat into a wider stance with toes pointing out, hold and repeat

Goblet Squat (2 sets of 10 reps) - hold dumbbell with both hands at your chest and squat

Upper Body

Lat Pull Downs (4 sets of 8 reps) - use machine at your desired weight. IF you don't have a machine, sit on a bench with your legs shoulder width apart, grab dumbbells at your desired weight, press your arms up into the sky and hold and then lower down to a 90 degrees and repeat

Scapular Wall Slide (4 sets of 10 reps) - stand with your back against a wall with your arms raised and also against the wall, the start position will resemble a "W", raise your hands above your head to resemble a "V" hold for a few seconds and return to starting position and repeat

Flat Dumbbell Bench Press (4 sets of 8 reps) - find a bench or a coffee table, use your desired weight for dumbbells, lay flat on the bench and lift your arms up into a press and repeat

Stability Ball Roll Out (3 sets of 10 reps) - go onto your knees, place your hands into a fist and onto the ball and roll out working your core and come back to starting position and repeat

Face Pull (3 sets of 10 reps) - you can do this with dumbbells, use your desired weight, place straight in front of you and pull in towards your face with your elbows going out to your sides

Feet Elevated Push Up (4 sets to failure) - set your feet on a bench/couch, set your hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart and perform a push up. Do as many as you can 4 times

Alternating Dumbbell Curl (3 sets of 8 reps) - use dumbbells at your desired weight (I used 20 lbs) and perform curls alternating arms

Reverse Crunch (3 sets of 12 reps) - lay on your back with your hands behind your head, when performing the crunch- bring your legs in along with your upper body
I know that was a lot of information! These were broken into two different days, lower body one day and upper body another day. I would recommend it with 20-30 minutes of cardio if you can fit it into your schedule. The workouts take about 40 minutes. They really are a good workout and you will be sore the next day! If you have ANY questions you can comment down below, email @ or use instagram @ meganmichellejourney 

If you give them a try please let me know so I can hear your feed back :)